It had been raining and the track had turned into a muddy swamp. All of a sudden, the wagon that was on it got bogged down in a muddy hole, and it was so heavily laden that neither the efforts of the donkey that was pulling it, nor the curses of the man who was driving it, could get it out again.
The wagon driver was furious with the donkey. He shouted insults at it, he yanked it by the bit, he lashed it with his whip, but noting did any good. So he called on his patron saint, and promised to light a candle to him.
'Before you go looking for a candle,' be seemed to hear a voice saying, 'why don't you stop beating the donkey, and go and get some stones to fill in the hole? Unload the wagon, and make it as light as you can. Pick up that broken branch and use it as a lever.'
Scarcely giving a thought to what he was doing, the astonished wagon driver did as he was told. When he had followed all the instructions, he said 'giddyup' to the donkey, and the wagon pulled easily out of the mud.
'A miracle,' shouted the man, covered in perspiration from all his efforts.
'Take notice,' warned the voice of his patron saint, 'this miracle was performed by you. The Lord helps those who held themselves.'
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