Hans, the young giant, was kind and helpful. He was happy to do any kind of job and, because of his great strength, he was able to do the work of a dozen men.
One day, the village where Hans lived was attacked by two ferocious bears, one male, the other female. The mayor and all the people of the town rushed to find the giant to ask for his help. At once Hans went to where the bears were, only to find them frightening an old woman.
The giant leapt on the larger of the two animals, seized it by the arm and swung it round, hurling it into the sky.
He then did the same to the other bear, but the female bear, being much smaller, flew higher into the sky than the male did.
The male watched her fly past, but he could do nothing to stop her.
'Come over here,' he called out at the top of his voice.
'I can't. You come over here,' she replied.
Even since then, the two bears have been roaming about the sky trying to get back together again and astronomers have referred to them as the 'Great Bear' and the 'Little Bear'.
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