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Once upon a time, as he returned from war, a brave soldier encountered a witch. 'Would you like to be rich?' she asked him. The soldier did not stop to think twice. He followed the instructions of the witch to the letter and soon found himself going down into a deep cavern, where there was a chest full of treasure. It was guarded by a horribly fierce dog, but the witch had taught the soldier the spell which allowed him to order the dog to do his will. The soldier filled his pockets and his knapsack with treasure, and before he left he also picked up the old tinderbox, which the witch's grandmother had lost long before. The witch had promised the soldier that the only treasure she wanted was the old tinderbox.Fortunately, the soldier was no fool, and before a wicked spell could be cast on him, he killed the evil witch. And so he kept the tinderbox as well, although he did not really know what to do with it. Now, however, that he was a rich man, he moved to the city and lived there like a lord.One night, the streets of the city were so dark that the soldier could not see where he was going. Her remembered his firebox, and struck it to see the way ahead. Immediately, the fierce dog from the cavern appeared, ready to obey the soldier's every order, and to satisfy his every desire. Whenever he wanted anything, the soldier simply had to strike the tinderbox and the dog appeared to fulfil his every wish.
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