A prince, who desired the hand of a princess in marriage, sent her the most beautiful gifts he could find - a rose and a nightingale. Everyone, including the king, was enchanted by the gits; only the princess turned her lovely nose up at them.
'This is a real rose, it is not even made of silver! And the nightingale is flesh and blood, not even mechanical!'
The prince was thus refused, but he did not give up. He disguised himself and took the job of pigkeeper at the palace. In his free time, he made strange little trinkets to attract the attention of the princess.
On one occasion, he made a pot with little bells which tinkled when the water boiled. The princess wanted to buy it at any prince, and she was told she could have it only in exchange for a kiss. The princess accepted the pigkeeper's offer.
But the king came across the princess just as she was kissing the pigkeeper and there was a terrible scandal.
The pigkeeper then revealed that he was in fact a prince, at which the princess sought to make matters right by marrying him; but this time it was his turn to refuse her.
'For a rose and a nightingale, you refused a prince, but for a trinket you kissed a pigkeeper! So I now say that you can keep the pot and remain unmarried!'
'This is a real rose, it is not even made of silver! And the nightingale is flesh and blood, not even mechanical!'
The prince was thus refused, but he did not give up. He disguised himself and took the job of pigkeeper at the palace. In his free time, he made strange little trinkets to attract the attention of the princess.
On one occasion, he made a pot with little bells which tinkled when the water boiled. The princess wanted to buy it at any prince, and she was told she could have it only in exchange for a kiss. The princess accepted the pigkeeper's offer.
But the king came across the princess just as she was kissing the pigkeeper and there was a terrible scandal.
The pigkeeper then revealed that he was in fact a prince, at which the princess sought to make matters right by marrying him; but this time it was his turn to refuse her.
'For a rose and a nightingale, you refused a prince, but for a trinket you kissed a pigkeeper! So I now say that you can keep the pot and remain unmarried!'
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