A thirsty fox was wandering about the countryside looking for water. Eventually he found a well, but the only water was at the bottom. The fox studied the problem and realised that there was a pulley system to bring up the water, one bucket going down causing another bucket to come up. So the fox jumped into the bucket at the top and his weight immediately caused it to drop to the bottom, where he could drink all the water he desired.
However, now he could not get back up, but the fox had long ago realised that the world is full of fools, and a short time later along came a goat, looking for water in the well.
The fox explained the situation and said to the goat, 'Get into the bucket, then you can come down and I can go up.'
'Yes, but what about afterwards?' asked the goat.
'That's even simpler; then you can come up and I'll go down.'
So the goat got into the bucket, and in a moment he was at the bottom of the well, and the fox was at the top. But as soon as he was up, the fox bade farewell to the goat and made to leave.
'Wait a minute,' shouted the goat.
'You promised to get me back up.'
'Who promised?' asked the fox. 'All we did was to discuss the possibilities.'
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