Once upon a time, a ship carrying a precious crystal ball as a gift to the emperor storm, and sank to the bottom of the sea. When the emperor heard of this, he sent his best divers to the place to try and find the crystal ball, but to no avail.
Then along came a small slender woman with her child in her arms, who asked if she could try as well. It seemed impossible that she could succeed where the bravest divers had failed, but she explained that if she managed to earn the reward, she could make her son, Kamatari, into a samurai.
She was granted permission to make the attempt; so she tied a rope to herself and dived into the sea. She went down to the very bottom, where the dragon's palace is, and there, just as she had foreseen, was the crystal ball, stolen by the lords of the deep. The woman seized it and began to swim back up, when she was attached by the most terrible sea monsters. With her dagger, she fought them all, refusing, despite many wounds, to let the crystal ball out of her hand, and there it was found when she was finally pulled onto the ship. When the emperor received the crystal ball, he kept the promise he had made to the heroic mother, and that was how Kamatari became a brave samurai.
Then along came a small slender woman with her child in her arms, who asked if she could try as well. It seemed impossible that she could succeed where the bravest divers had failed, but she explained that if she managed to earn the reward, she could make her son, Kamatari, into a samurai.
She was granted permission to make the attempt; so she tied a rope to herself and dived into the sea. She went down to the very bottom, where the dragon's palace is, and there, just as she had foreseen, was the crystal ball, stolen by the lords of the deep. The woman seized it and began to swim back up, when she was attached by the most terrible sea monsters. With her dagger, she fought them all, refusing, despite many wounds, to let the crystal ball out of her hand, and there it was found when she was finally pulled onto the ship. When the emperor received the crystal ball, he kept the promise he had made to the heroic mother, and that was how Kamatari became a brave samurai.
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