To see which was the stronger, the sun and the wind challenged each other to strip the clothes from the first passerby.
The wind puffed with all air in its lungs; but the more it blew the more the man drew his clothes tight around him and, feeling a bit cold, he even pulled on a cloak.
The sun didn't do anything so strenuous; all it did was shine. And gradually the man grew hotter and hotter until he took off all his clothes to go for a swim. Which just goes to show that gentle persuasion is more effective than violence.
The wind puffed with all air in its lungs; but the more it blew the more the man drew his clothes tight around him and, feeling a bit cold, he even pulled on a cloak.
The sun didn't do anything so strenuous; all it did was shine. And gradually the man grew hotter and hotter until he took off all his clothes to go for a swim. Which just goes to show that gentle persuasion is more effective than violence.