The dream fairy woke up young Johnny, ‘Hurry,’ she urged, ‘urged, ‘there are two mice about to be married underneath the floorboards and we’ve been invited. It’ll be a splendid occasion.’
Even though he was really still asleep, Johnny rose from his bed in as instant. ‘I’d love to go.’ He said excitedly, ‘but how will I ever get down that tiny hole?’
The dream fairy waved her magic wand and Johnny became so small that he was able to put on a uniform that a tin soldier was king enough to lend him. A thimble was the perfect size for a carriage drawn by a small mouse. The banquet hall was crowded. All the guests were licking the walls, which were made of lard, and the tables were made of slabs of real cheese. The bride and bridegroom were sitting in a hollow dug in a large piece of cheese and were embracing happily. Every so often they threw pumpkin seeds over the quests.
Johnny had a wonderful time, until finally the dream fairy told him that it was time to go home and he was suddenly back in bed, sound asleep as before.
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