‘Who are you?’ asked the woman. ‘Where do you come from?’
‘I feel from the sky,’ the man replied craftily.
‘Oh really.’ The woman’s face lit up.
‘Then maybe you have met my husband. He died last year.’
‘Certainly I know him, but he’s not doing too well. He hasn’t got enough to eat or enough clothes to wear!’
‘Oh really.’ The woman’s face lit up.
‘Then maybe you have met my husband. He died last year.’
‘Certainly I know him, but he’s not doing too well. He hasn’t got enough to eat or enough clothes to wear!’
‘The poor man! Cried the woman. ‘If I give you some clothes, can you take them up to him?’
‘No I’m sorry but it’s forbidden to take clothes into paradise,’ replied the man ‘I might manage to smuggle some money to him. Nobody would find a little money bag hidden in a pocket.’
‘Oh thank you, then please take this. It’s all my savings,’ and the woman gave the man a little pile of money. She was no grateful to him for doing her such a kind service.
‘Well who would have thought.’ She kept repeating, ‘that in paradise my husband would be lacking even the bare necessities.
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