All alone in the world, a young girl once lived in a small house in the middle of the woods. She was very poor, but she knew how to sew and, because she was very hard working and clever, she managed to earn her living by using her spindle, her spool and her needle.
One day, looking for a wife, a young price came to the village asking who was the most beautiful and the industrious young girl in the place. Many girls were pointed out to him, the richest and most elegant ones, but nobody thought of the poor young seamstress. Only the objects that she used in her daily work thought of her. The spindle jumped out of her hand and ran off through the woods, pulling a long golden thread behind it. The spool also jumped away, but it stopped outside the door and wove a lovely rug. The needle began to dance wildly in the amazed young girl’s fingers, and made tablecloths, curtains and cushions, transforming the poor little house into a pretty and welcoming one.
When the spindle and the golden thread led the prince to her door later, the lovely little seamstress and her pretty house pleased him so much that he never left her side again.
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