There was once a stork who was so tired from its long migratory flight that it crash-landed in a hen house.
There the turkey began showing off to the stork and puffed himself up as much as he could. The hens, though, were jealous and made fun of the stork. ‘What long legs you have! They really are so ungainly!’
The stork acted as if it had not heard. Instead, it began to tell them all about Africa, where it went often, about the heat of the desert, and the ostriches there. ‘What a silly goose,’ said the ducks, not understanding once word the stork was saying.
Soon the turkey also grew bored with the visitor and wandered off. Then the ducks and the hens jumped on the intruder, making a terrible noise. Along came the farmer to see what was happening: he opened the hen house door and away flew the stork.
The farmer was very sorry to see the bird go because all the other farmers would have envied him for having a stork. He turned on the hens and said: ‘Do you think you are queens just because you are destined to end up in the stock pot?!’
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