The Great Issumboshi

Issuboshi was a tiny Japanese man who was so small that he was really of no use at all at working in the fields. For this reason, his grandfather decided to send him to the city so that he might learn to become a valiant samurai warrior. As he was leaving, his grandfather gave him a wooden cup as a gift, to use a boat, his mother gave him two long grains of rice, to use as oars, and his father gave him a pin, to use as a sword.
The journey was full of dangers, especially when you consider that a frog was the size of an elephant next to little Issumboshi. However, the young man soon learnt how to look after himself, and, because of his great courage and intelligence, the arrived at the city safe and sound.

He found the streets deserted; everybody was cowering indoors for fear of a fierce giant who was terrorising the city. Issumboshi did not hesitate for a moment, and strode straight out to face this terrible enemy. Small as he was, he found it easy to avoid the monster’s clumsy blows. And he found it just as easy to sink his sword into the huge body, until the giant finally crashed to the ground, in agony from thousands of tiny wounds.

‘What a mighty warrior,’ shouted onlookers joyfully. Issumboshi felt taller than the giant.


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