The little piggy bank was so full of coins that it did not even rattle when it was shaken. It stood on the highest shelf in the playroom, and it must be said that it looked very handsome indeed, being made for shiny porcelain and painted with little blue flowers.
Because of its great wealth, the piggy bank was much respected, by all the other toys. Often, at night, the theatrical puppets would perform just of its pleasure, and the doll spent all her time singing or sighing in the hope that the piggy bank would notice her and ask her to marry it. The little tin soldiers marched endlessly to and fro in front of the shelves to ensure that no thief ever tried to rob the piggy bank.
One day, however, on of the children of the house tried to push another coin in through the slot on the piggy bank’s back, but it was no full already that it simply shattered into thousands of pieces.
Somebody gathered up the coins and swept up the pieces and a new piggy bank was bought to replace the old one. It was still empty and so it did not rattle either, and in this respect it was not so very different from the old one.
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