A long, time ago, almost at the beginning of time, the ancient gods met and decided to create a masterpiece.
They created an absolutely perfect young girl. Each of them gave to Pandora (which is what they called their marvellous creation) the most precious gift they could bestow; beauty, intelligence, wisdom and skill in all things.
Finally she was taken to Jupiter, the king of the gods, so that he too could give her a gift, before sending her down to earth, Jupiter, who did not approve of the gifts of the other gods, gave Pandora a very ordinary box with a lid. 'You must never open it under any circumstances,' he warned.
But Pandora could not resist the temptation of finding out what was in the box and one day she opened it.
To her, horror, out came all the evils that have since afflicted mankind: old age, sickness, jealousy, selfishness, greed..... before Pandora could close the lid on them they had already spread all around the world.
But, luckily, hope remained in the box, and with hope mankind manages to survive all these ills.
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