The king was suddenly afflicted by a very serious illness and was never the same from that day forth. Nothing amused him any more; everything bored him and he began to yawn so much that all his countries began to yawn as well. He knew there was smoothing he wanted, but he could not say what it was, which meant that nobody could give it to him.
His ministers invited doctors and learned men from all over the world to solve the problem. They brought the king ever more games, puzzles and distractions. But it was all in vain.
His ministers invited doctors and learned men from all over the world to solve the problem. They brought the king ever more games, puzzles and distractions. But it was all in vain.
One day, however, an old woman arrived at the place. 'I have that which the king requires,' she said, 'but first I must have my weight in gold.'
A bargain was struck, but then nobody could believe their eyes. No matter how much gold was put on the scales it never seemed to equal the weight of the old woman. The treasurer was becoming desperate, when the old woman finally give a happy laugh. Then she said, 'The king really wants to see the translucent beauty of a simple soap bubble. I can give him his desire.' And the old woman dipped a straw in soapy water and began to blow the most beautiful bubbles.
Immediately the king felt happy again and full of energy, and with that the whole court, indeed the whole kingdom, also felt a great deal better.
A bargain was struck, but then nobody could believe their eyes. No matter how much gold was put on the scales it never seemed to equal the weight of the old woman. The treasurer was becoming desperate, when the old woman finally give a happy laugh. Then she said, 'The king really wants to see the translucent beauty of a simple soap bubble. I can give him his desire.' And the old woman dipped a straw in soapy water and began to blow the most beautiful bubbles.
Immediately the king felt happy again and full of energy, and with that the whole court, indeed the whole kingdom, also felt a great deal better.
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