There was once a tailor who boasted that he could make wonderful clothes: only intelligent and sensitive people could see them, to all others they were invisible. The emperor heard of this and thought that such a suit would be very becoming. He called the tailor before him and ordered him to make a suit for him.
The tailor asked for thread and a great deal of money, and began his work; or rather he presented to work, because there was nothing on the loom. However, each courtier, who was sent by the emperor to check on the work, returned full of enthusiasm.'What wounderful cloth! What lovely work! Whan an oriiginal design!'Actually they had seen nothing, but they were lying in case they were thought to be stupid or insensitive. In the end, the emperor also pretended to be enthusiastic about the suit, even though he could not see it either.
He decided to wear it for a big parade, and as he passed through the crowd, all the people exclaimed: 'What a wonderful suit of clothes.'Until a little boy shouted: 'Hey, look, the emperor's got no clothes on.' And the crowd also shouted then, 'He's got no clothes on.' The only thing then for the embarassed emperor to do was to run back to the palace as fast as his legs would carry him.
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