Ivan the cossack had saved the life of a sorceress. In reward, she gave him a magic barrel. If you twisted the lid one way, a castle appeared; if you twisted it the other way, the castle would disappear.
Now, Ivan did not really know what to do with the barrel and he looked forward to the day when he could trade if for something more useful.
One evening he was approached by an old man who asked him for a meal. Ivan caused the castle to appear, generously invited the old man in, and then let him eat his fill from the food-laden table they found ready. The old man was very taken with the castle and offered to exchange his own sword for it.
'Now what do I want with a sword?' refused Ivan, 'I have my sabre.'
'But this is a magic sword,' insisted the old man. 'Raise your arm and the sword will do everything by itself.'
To prove it, the old man raised his arm and the sword flew out of its scabbard and began hacking at some bushes nearby. Ivan was very impressed and agreed to the exchange. When Ivan returned home, he found his city beseiged by enemies. He raised his arm and all by itself the sword destroyed the attackers. Ivan was put in command of the army and given his daughter in marriage - all because he saved the life of a sorcerss.
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