Hurashima was a young Japanese fisherman who was brave and generous. One day he came across some boys who had caught a turtle and were tormenting it. Feeling sorry for it, Hurashima used what little money he had to buy it from them and set if free in the sea.
Some time later, when he was out fishing, he heard his name being called. It was the turtle, who asked Hurashima to climb onto its back so that it might take him to meet the powerful dragon, the Lord of the Seas, who wished to show Hurashima its gratitude. So he climbed onto the turtle's back and was taken a fantastic castle on the seabed.
The dragon received and invited him with full ceremony and invited hi to remain as its guest. Hurashima accepted, and for a while he was able to enjoy all the delights imaginable; but then he grew homesick and asked to return.
Back on dry land, Hurashima found everything changed. His house and loved ones were no longer there. He came to the realisation that he had been away for many years. Then, all of a sudden, Hurashima felt himself growing older and older. Only then did he understand that, by returning, he had given up the dragon's most precious gift, eternal youth.
Some time later, when he was out fishing, he heard his name being called. It was the turtle, who asked Hurashima to climb onto its back so that it might take him to meet the powerful dragon, the Lord of the Seas, who wished to show Hurashima its gratitude. So he climbed onto the turtle's back and was taken a fantastic castle on the seabed.
The dragon received and invited him with full ceremony and invited hi to remain as its guest. Hurashima accepted, and for a while he was able to enjoy all the delights imaginable; but then he grew homesick and asked to return.
Back on dry land, Hurashima found everything changed. His house and loved ones were no longer there. He came to the realisation that he had been away for many years. Then, all of a sudden, Hurashima felt himself growing older and older. Only then did he understand that, by returning, he had given up the dragon's most precious gift, eternal youth.
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