Mother goat had to go out one day and leave her seven little kids alone in the house. But before leaving, she warmed them sternly about the bad wolf and his great cunning, and so, when the wolf knocked on the door and said he was the mother goat, they were not fooled.
'No, you are the big bad wolf,' they answered. 'Our mother has a soft sweet voice.'
So the wolf tired again later, after eating some honey to make his voice sweeter; but the kids were still not fooled. This time the wolf was betrayed by his paws, which were black and hairy. Pretending to be their mother, he held presents for the kids i his paws.
The next time, the wolf went to the baker and ordered him to make a goat's paw out of bread dough, and when the little goats saw this they were fooled. They thought it really was their mother and they opened the front door. In a flash the wolf swallowed them all up - all, except one, who just in time hid in the cupboard.
When mother goat came home, the little kid told her what had happened to his brothers and sisters. Off went the mother goat to look for the rascally wolf. When she found the wolf, he was fast asleep under a tree, but in his full stomach the mother goat could see the shape of the little goats' heads. Then, with scissors the mother goat freed her young, and she put stones in their place. Afterwards she sewed up the wolf's stomach so neatly that he never even noticed. When he woke up and went to have a drink, however, the weight of the stones in his stomach made the wolf lose his balance, and he fell into the water and was drowned. So the seven little goats were able to grow up strong and healthy, with big horns, so they could defend themselves against wicked wolves.
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