A large darning needle was very full of itself, almost as if it was a lacework needle, until one day, pushing through some tough cloth, its eye broke. But the seamstress did not want to throw it away, and used it instead to pin the scarf round her neck. The needle thought it had been promoted and became even more conceited.
One day, it slipped out of its high position, at the woman's neck, and landed in the kitchen sink. But it did not feel at all humiliated, rather it was convinced it had been made lord admiral of the seas, and was being sent out to discover new lands.
In truth, the only land it discovered was the drains, but all the dirt and waste that passed through only made it feel more important, because the needle remained slim and shiny. It even made a friend in its own social class - a bottle top, which, because it also shone, the needle thought worthy of its attention.
'I see that you are a diamond,' said the needle.
'And you are a sword,' replied the bottle top.
'Yes, you are right. I'm the king's sword.'
And the two of them are probably still there, telling each other about their exciting past lives.
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