Ivan was the tsar's valiant and courageous archer. He was always entrusted with the most difficult tasks.
One day, when Ivan was old, the tsar commanded him to journey to the furthest limits of the world and bring back the beautiful princess Vassilla to be the royal bride.
Ivan had to face a thousand perils in this quest, but eventually he succeeded in stealing Vassilla away.
But the princess wanted vengeance for her kidnapping and told the tsar she would never marry him, unless her kidnapper was first put to death in a pot of boiling oil.
The ungrateful tsar ordered that Ivan be executed. Evan then the brave archer showed no fear, and stepped without hesitation into the steaming pot. But Ivan's extraordinary courage brought about a supernatural reaction, and he proved invulnerable to the boiling oil. When he was brought out of the pot, not only was he completely unharmed, but he had become young once more and astonishingly handsome!
One seeing this miracle, the populace denounced the tyrant and threw him into the pot of oil instead of Ivan, who was acclaimed as tsar in his palace.
The princess Vassilla, of course, could not refuse her hand in marriage to the new and handsome tsar.
One day, when Ivan was old, the tsar commanded him to journey to the furthest limits of the world and bring back the beautiful princess Vassilla to be the royal bride.
Ivan had to face a thousand perils in this quest, but eventually he succeeded in stealing Vassilla away.
But the princess wanted vengeance for her kidnapping and told the tsar she would never marry him, unless her kidnapper was first put to death in a pot of boiling oil.
The ungrateful tsar ordered that Ivan be executed. Evan then the brave archer showed no fear, and stepped without hesitation into the steaming pot. But Ivan's extraordinary courage brought about a supernatural reaction, and he proved invulnerable to the boiling oil. When he was brought out of the pot, not only was he completely unharmed, but he had become young once more and astonishingly handsome!
One seeing this miracle, the populace denounced the tyrant and threw him into the pot of oil instead of Ivan, who was acclaimed as tsar in his palace.
The princess Vassilla, of course, could not refuse her hand in marriage to the new and handsome tsar.
The princess Vassilla, of course, could not refuse her hand in marriage to the new and handsome tsar.
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