The rulers of a small kingdom desired one thing above all others, a son, but when finally a son was born to them, they were very disappointed. The little prince looked just like a donkey! All the same they loved him clearly, and he had such a a lovable nature that his appearance came to be overlooked. But when he grew up and saw his own reflection in the lake, the prince was most upset. He was so ashamed that he fled from the palace at once and began to roam the world.
After many travels and adventures, he found himself in another kingdom where he was given employment as a court musician. The musical donkey was so kind and gentle that everybody grew fond of him especially the king and queen, so much so that they asked him if he would care to marry their beautiful daughter, He accepted readily and the wedding was celebrated in great style; and, on that very evening, when the newly wed couple were alone in their room, the donkey skin, which had always covered the prince, fell away, revealing a handsome young man; the love of the princess for the donkey had broken the spell.
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