Once upon a time, there was a girl her name was Kayla. One day when she was walking, she found a dog.
It was silver.
She took it home with her.
When her Mom saw it she said, “Kayla where did you get that dog!?”
“I got it at the pet shop,” she fibbed. “Can we please keep her please!?”
“Fine” said Kayla’s mom. “What’s her name?”
”Silver” Kayla said.
One day when Kayla was outside with Silver, Silver all of a sudden did a BACKFLIP!
“Wow” said Kayla.
Then, a man who was walking by paused and said, “Oh dear lady may you lend me the dog for a minute?”
No! said Kayla.
Then the next day when Kayla woke up, instead of hearing Silver bark when she woke up she heard silence.
When it was lunch time still no Silver. She just remembered the man who asked for Silver.
Then she called the police and figured he was F.B.I's most wanted!
Then in an hour the police were there. They brought Silver back
what in the world happened in the END !?
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