There was once was a girl named Amber and her best friend Angle.
Angle was very very mean and Amber was very very nice. She always did what her parents said. .Angel never did what her parents said; always making other kids do her chores for her.
One day Amber decided to play with her friend Angel.
Angel was already outside waiting for Amber to come and play with her.
Angel asked her what took so long? but Amber told her she had to clean her room.
They started to play and after a hour of playing basketball, Angel decided to go in the woods but Amber didn't think that was a good idea. "Come on Amber take a chance for once."
Amber finally went with Angle and was very scared and it was getting very dark out.
They both heard a strange noise behind them. Amber looked behind her, nothing, but something scary was following them.
Angel I think there’s something behind us, following us.
Angel looked behind her and nothing, when she looked back Amber was gone.
Angel was scared. Suddenly a noise appeared, “hello is there anyone there?”
Suddenly a rush of cold air appeared and then......BOOM she was gone there was only a forest there and no one there and the story just started.
Yes true story guys listen to your mom dont be bitch
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