One night, Teresa asked Max why he never wanted to sleep.
"Because...." Said Max between tears. "I don't like my crib. I feel like a monkey when I'm in it."
"Oh!" Said Teresa, pleased she could get Max to tell her what was wrong.
The next day, Teresa told her parents why Max never wanted to sleep, because of the crib. So they took Max out to the store to buy his very own big boy bed. Max chose a metal red bed that was just the right size for him. He got a farm sheet-set and a comfy pillow. Max even got a baseball bed side table!
Max felt so lucky! Now he loved his new bed and decided that sleeping was great, so every night, Max slept on the bed, and he thanked Teresa.
But one day Max got too big for the bed! So his parents took him to the same store to buy a bigger and taller bed. They let Max get a wooden bunk-bed so when Max had sleepovers his friends would have a place to sleep when they came over.
Teresa was so jealous but Max let her sleep on the top bunk one night.
Max thanked Teresa again for telling their parents about the crib, now bedtime was Max's favorite time.
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