ONCE upon a time, a Blind Man and a Man who could see were traveling together. When it came night, they rode into a meadow, dismounted, and lay down to sleep until morning. Before it was quite dawn, as they were about to start on their way again, the Blind Man sought for his whip. By chance a Snake was lying near by, frozen stiff with the cold. The Blind Man's hand fell upon it, and thinking to himself, "This is much softer than my old whip," he picked it up and mounted his horse.
As it grew light, the Man who could see glanced over at his companion and saw that he held a Snake in his hand. In great alarm he cried out,—
"Oh, comrade, what you imagine to be a whip is in reality a Snake. Be quick and throw it away before it bite you."

But the Blind Man only laughed. What, are you envious of my good luck?" he replied. "I lost my whip, but some good fortune has placed this softer and better one in my hand. Pray do not think because I am blind that I am also a fool. I am not such a simpleton that I do not know the difference between a whip and a Snake."

"My good friend," answered the other Man, for your own welfare, I beg of you to believe me and throw away this Snake." But the Blind Man only clung the more tightly to the Snake, which, awakened by the warmth of the man's hand, coiled itself about his wrist and bit him so that he died.

The Hungry Mouse

A mouse was having a very bad time. She could find no food at all. She looked here and there, but there was no food, and she grew very thin.

At last the mouse found a basket, full of corn. There was a small hole in the basket, and she crept in. She could just get through the hole.

Then she began to eat the corn. Being very hungry, she ate a great deal, and went on eating and eating. She had grown very fat before she felt that she had had enough.

When the mouse tried to climb out of the basket, she could not. She was too fat to pass through the hole.

" How shall I climb out?" said the mouse. "oh, how shall I climb out?"

Just then a rat came along, and he heard the mouse.

"Mouse," said the rat, "if you want to climb out of the basket, you must wait till you have grown as thin as you were when you went in."


It was a bright, sunny morning in Magical Wood and Bitsy Bunny was fast asleep. Her mama was in the kitchen baking carrot cookies and the wonderful smell of the warm cookies woke Bitsy. She sat up, rubbed her eyes and wiggled her nose. Something smelled good! She wiggled her nose again. Something smelled very good! She jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen.

"Mama, Mama," said Bitsy, "those cookies smell so good that they woke me up! May I have some? Please?"

"I'm baking these cookies for Granny Bunny," Mama replied. "She's not feeling well and I think some homemade cookies might help her feel better."

"May I take the cookies to Granny?" asked little Bitsy.

Mama thought for a moment. Magical Wood could be a dangerous place for a little bunny all by herself. There was still so much for Bitsy to learn about the Wood. But, Granny did not live far, and Mama and Bitsy had gone to Granny's house together lots of times.

"Bitsy, you have never visited Granny by yourself before. There are all kinds of dangers, so many things can happen. You must promise me that you will not stop along the way, you will not go near the clearing to pick flowers, you will not go to the creek to watch the fish and you will stay on the trail all the way to Granny's. Do you promise?"

"Oh, yes Mama, I promise! I will not stop along the way, I will not go to the clearing to pick wildflowers, I will not watch the fish swimming in the creek and I will stay on the trail all the way to Granny's. And I will call you as soon as I get to Granny's, so you won't worry!"

"Okay, then you may go to Granny's and bring her the cookies," said Mama.

"Yipee!!" shouted Bitsy as she ran down the hall to get dressed.

After breakfast, Mama gave Bitsy a pretty yellow basket filled with the warm carrot cookies. Bitsy gave Mama a big hug and started off to Granny's house.

"Now remember, Bitsy, go straight to Granny's house," Mama called to Bitsy.

Little Bitsy was so excited! Mama had never let her walk by herself to Granny's before.

"Mama doesn't think I'm a baby anymore," thought Bitsy as she walked along the path to Granny's house. Bitsy was so happy that she began to skip along the path.

Well, Bitsy hadn't skipped very far when she saw the most beautiful wildflowers in an open field.

"Oh, those flowers would make Granny feel better," Bitsy said to herself.

"I shall bring Granny a beautiful bouquet." Then, as Bitsy started toward the field, she stopped and remembered what Mama had said: Don't pick flowers in the clearing and stay on the trail! Well, thought Bitsy, I don't want to break my promise to Mama. She trusts me and even though I don't understand why she won't let me pick flowers by myself, I must remember my promise, I just must!

Just then, as she was standing on the path and looking at the flowers, a huge hawk swooped down into the very flowers Bitsy had wanted to pick and flew away with a mouse!!

"Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!" Bitsy exclaimed, "That poor mouse!" Then, Bitsy realized something very important: if she had not kept her promise to Mama, the hawk might have grabbed her instead of the mouse! This made Bitsy feel scared, but she continued to Granny's house, staying on the path, just as she had promised.

After a little while, Bitsy was no longer scared and she was again skipping down the path with her basket of cookies. Soon, she was able to hear the bubbling and gurgling of the creek. And that made Bitsy suddenly feel very thirsty!

Soon, Bitsy was able to see the creek! As she was about to race off the path, she again remembered her promise to Mama. "Well, the creek is closer to the path than the field was, and there are certainly no hawks this deep in the Wood," thought Bitsy. She was watching a frog by the creek as she was trying to decide what to do.

"A promise is a very important thing," thought Bitsy. "Mama will be so proud of me for keeping my promises and staying on the trial. But, maybe I could just run over for a quick sip, say hello to the frog and run right back to the trail."

When Bitsy looked back at the frog, it was gone! In its place was a great big snake! "Oh, no!" said Bitsy. "I hope that little frog got away!" Then Bitsy thought of something else: if she had broken her promise and gone over to the frog, the snake might have grabbed her! Bitsy began to tremble! As she stared at the snake, it slowly crawled away into the dense forest.

Bitsy took a deep breath and continued to Granny's house.

Bitsy was quite close to Granny's now. She couldn't wait to tell Granny everything that had happened on this adventure over a big glass of milk and some of Mama's cookies.

As she was hopping along, Bitsy noticed something unusual. There, near the trail, in the middle of a pile of old brown vines and brambles, was a clump of bright green grass and flowers! Why would someone pick grass and wildflowers and then just dump them in the old brambles, Bitsy wondered. Maybe someone new is moving in and they're building a house!

"Hello! Hello!" Bitsy called to the pile of grass, but no one answered. "Maybe I should go find the door and knock." Bitsy started to leave the trail and head for the brambles, when she remembered a promise she made to Mama a long time ago: Never talk to strangers!

As Bitsy turned to hop back onto the trail, she tripped and a twig bounced up and landed by the clump of grass and flowers. SNAP!! It had been a trap! The top of the trap had been covered with the grass and when the twig landed on it, the trap closed tight! If Bitsy had been caught in the trap, would Mama have been able to find her? Bitsy's heart raced as she dashed the rest of the way to Granny's. She hopped up the steps and knocked very hard. Granny opened the door and Bitsy leaped into her arms!

"Bitsy! Your Mama told me you were coming! My, you're getting to be such a big bunny that now you can visit all by yourself!" Granny exclaimed.

Bitsy gave Granny a big kiss and the yellow basket filled with cookies.

"Granny, may I call Mama?" Bitsy asked. "I promised her I would call as soon as I got here so she wouldn't worry. I've kept all my other promises to Mama on my way here and I wouldn't want to break this one. I also want to ask Mama to come and have cookies with us so she and I can walk home together. Even though I'm big enough to come and visit by myself, I would rather have Mama with me."

Granny smiled. "You are a very smart bunny, Bitsy. Let's go call Mama right now."

A Dance in the Forest

In a very big forest there lived many animals and birds. One day the some of the birds were discussion about the way the animals live. The parrot said, “Look at me I do not eat any bird or animal I just like fruits and eat them all the time. I hate looking at these animals as they hunt other animals and eat them”. I feel that we the birds are the best in the forest as we do not eat other birds for our survival”.

Many birds agreed to this argument and narrated their own opinions:

The sparrow said: I eat the small insects that do harm to others that does not mean that I am like these animals who kill all other good animals.

The woodpecker said: See I protect trees by eating the white ants under their bark. If I do not do so many trees would have been eaten away by these white ants and other insects.

The weaver bird: You are aware that I am the best in the forest in making the nest. Show me any animal that can do like me. These animals are lazy and live like rocks in all seasons.

The humming bird said: I drink the nectar from the flowers and while doing so I do not harm the flowers. If help in pollination and make the forest look colourful with many flowers.

Thus many birds narrated their own stories and ways of living. Meanwhile they saw a herd of elephants passing under the trees. The parrot yelled at them: Hey big beasts do you know that birds are the best ones in the forest. You animals destroy forest, eat other animals and create bloodshed for your survival.

One of the elephants responded by saying : I do not know what you are talking but I can tell this to other animals as I am going to attend the meeting called by the Lion.

The Lion – the king of the forest – is sitting on a big rock surrounded by many animals. The meeting began with the topic “How shall we celebrate the onset of sprint”. Then the elephant intervened and said: we feel that we are the great in the forest. I heard a parrot saying that the birds are the best because they do not eat other birds for their own survival. Lets first solve this problem and by deciding who is the best in the forest, the birds are we the animals.

All the animals got irritated at the statement of the parrot shared by the elephant. The wolf said: Lets call the birds here and we all can kill them and eat them at once then there is no problem. Haa Haaa joined the other animals.

Cool down: said the Lion. If the birds feel that they are the best in the forest, we shall allow them to prove. They said that they do not eat other birds but it is false. They do eat other birds for their survival. You are aware that the eagles are always on the look out for chicks of hens and peahens. They eat mercilessly all the chicks. Birds are fools and incapable creatures. I pity them. Lets play with them for some time and prove our might. Dear fox, call all the birds at once here.

The fox approached the mangrove and yelled at the birds. You seem to be having a feeling that you are the best in the forest. Lets us prove who is best in the forest. All of you can come to our meeting place near the lake and prove yourselves.

Hearing this the birds felt challenged. All of them flew towards the meeting place.
In the meeting place the most heated arguments took place.

Seeing the heat generated, the Lion said. Meeting is adjourned to tomorrow in the morning and asked all the animals and birds to disburse.

In the evening the grand old man who often visits forest and help animals and birds by treating them came to the meeting place and asked some of the birds still sitting there: I heard a commotion in the afternoon what happened to you all. I heard the loud sounds of animals and birds too. Do you have any problem and can I be of any help to you?

The birds said: we had problem to solve between the birds and the animals. We shall prove who is best in the forest. We argue we are the best but they argue as cruelly as they can for their superiority. It is good that you have come. Why don’t you come for the meeting tomorrow and help us.

The grand old man said Ok, I shall come tomorrow.

The next day morning all the birds and the animals gathered at the meeting place. The grand old man took some time to arrive. His arrival was welcomed by the Lion who was once save by the grand old man. Dear grand old man I am glad that you are here, hear all our arguments and tell us who is the best in the forest.

Both the sides amply briefed the grand old man. The birds and the animals became silent and await the judgment of the grand old man.

The grand old man said: The argument of the birds that they do not eat other birds is both wrong and write. So in the arguments the birds and the animals both win and lose. That makes the problem nil. The birds and animals got confused at this. Seeing their faces particularly of the Lion’s the grand old man clarified it further:

Though the hens and pen hens come under the family of birds they live mostly on the ground and they do not fly for their survival they run for their survival so actually come under the family of animals. The chicks of the birds also do not fly they just run on the ground so they are also animals. Since Eagles eat these chicks it amounts to eating other birds for their survival like the animals do. Which means birds eat and do not eat other birds for their survival.

Most important thing is this: If the animals like Lion, tiger, cheetah, fox and wolf do not eat other animals like sheep, goat, etc the population of these grass eating animals increase making the forest dry and difficult for all to survive. Similarly the birds help in pollination and cross-pollination, propagation of trees and help add beauty to the forest. The forest becomes dull without any one of you. So neither the birds nor the animals are best in the forest, the forest itself is the best because it gives us food, shelter and protection from the human beings.

Hearing this the Lion said: what a brilliant man are you my dear grand old man. I agree with you that it is the forest that is the best. The birds do chirped the same opinion.

Then the squirrel said: this is the best time to celebrate the onset of spring. Lets dance….

All the animals danced and make merry….

Hard Decision

There was a Siberian husky, her name was Siberia. She had two friends. One was a Chihuahua, her name was Chichi. Her other friend was a Golden Retriever, her name was Goldie. She had fun with her friend

One day Siberia and Goldie were going for a walk Chichi came by. She saw them walking together Chichi doesn’t like that. Chichi pushed Goldie in the bush. Siberia barked, “stop.” Goldie liked Chichi as a friend, but Chichi doesn’t. Goldie was injured in the bush.

Siberia asked, “Why did you push Goldie.”

Chichi said, “I don’t like Goldie she is mean to me so I don’t want you to hang out with her.”

Siberia said, “She is very kind to me.”

“Fine,” said Chichi and ran off.

Goldie said, “You shouldn’t hang out with her.” “You have to pick her or me.”

“Now,” replied Siberia.

“No,” said Goldie.

They ran off to the arcade. Siberia wasn’t having much fun she was having a hard decision. Goldie was mad at Chichi for trying to take her friend. Siberia thought if she got them to be friends she wouldn’t have to choose. She had a plan. Siberia would invite them over to her house but they wouldn’t know that the other person is coming.

The next day Siberia invited them over. One came in the back door and the other in the front. Siberia sat them down. Chichi said, “What is Goldie doing here.”

“I invited you both over” said Siberia. They keep on fighting and fighting.

2 hours later

Siberia was surprised that they got along with each other. So they went on lots of trips together and never fought again. They were friends forever.

A Winter Night in the Forest

It was a winter night and the cool breeze is making animals seek some shelter and a cover on their bodies. The sparrows entered their nests, the rabbits went into their burrows, the parrots went into the holes on the tree trunks, the squirrels hide into the shoots of the coconut tree. Thus all those birds and animals settled down to face the chill night. Dr.Dove was watching all these animals in the bright moon light from its whole on the nearby rocky hill.

By mid night the chillness increased and a couple of crows had fallen seriously ill for the exposure to the severe cold.

As the Sun rises all the animals and birds started coming out and assembled at the bottom of the rocky hill.

What a cold it was last night. The winter has just begun now. By January it would be very cold. If the cold winds blow like this we will certainly reduce in number – said a crane that lives on the nearby thorn bushes.

I could hear the sound of my teeth as I shivered in the night – said a dog.

Though we are big we too feel the cold said an elephant.

Though I am in my Den I too felt it.

Here comes an idea – said Dr. .Dove by landing on a big stone.

We all know that the Lion lives in a big den in this hill. I have seen another small den that can comfortable accommodate our Lion. It is just on the other side of this Hill. I feel that the Lion can leave this big den and occupy the small one so that those animals that have no home can take shelter in the big den. Thus they can protect themselves from exposing to the severe cold.

As soon as Dr. Dove completed telling this, the lion roared and rejected the idea. I need this big den let animals seek shelter in the small den that you had located.

Looking at the elephants Dr .Dove said – Dear Lion this is only for the winter months and rainy days the rest of the time you can use this big den. The elephants trumpeted in support of this statement and urged the lion to agree.

Seeing the unity and the support Dr. Dove got from the herd of Elephants the Lion said : OK I agree.

The animals disbursed in search of food.

It was night again. All those animals that have no home gathered in the big den and felt good to be there. As the night advances the cold winds blew more frequently and making the animals shiver even in the Den. Some how they spent the night and gathered again at the bottom of the hill to share their experiences.

Since the den is not so deep it can protect us partially from the severe cold. We have to live with it – opined the deer.

Having listened to this discussion, Dr. Dove said: I have another idea to help you keep warm. You all can collect the twigs and our elephant friends can bring dried logs in the forest to the den. As mid night one of you can make these twigs and dried logs into a small heap and set fire. Then the den gets the warmth from this fire.

Great idea jumped a monkey.

That night the animals make their own hearth and felt the warmth and slept comfortably.

The animals make it a practice.

The Little Bird Who was Afraid to Fly

Once upon a time there was a little bird named Birdie and she was afraid to fly. She would hide all day and all night in the bushes, mostly because there were these big bully crows that would land on the ground in front of Birdie they would scare her and tease her by squawking “you can’t flyyyy your afraid to flyyyy” and the little bird would be soooo scared she would hide in the dark underbrush of these bushes.

One wonderful sunny day a very funny little squirrel named Quirk scurried by and saw the little bird and he asked her “what’s your name and why are you hiding in these bushes”. The little bird replied “My name is Birdie and I am hiding because I’m afraid to fly and those big bully crows tease me” so the squirrel said “would you like to go sit in the tree” the little bird said “yes very much!” so the squirrel sat down and said “hop on my back and I will take you up the tree.”

So he did, and everyday since then the squirrel would come by the bushes and the little bird would hop on his back and he would take her up the tree and Birdie would sit on the branch all day long. Quirk would spend the day scurrying and playing around the branches and up and down all the trees in the forest. Birdie would just watch wishing she could play too. Then when it began to get dark the squirrel would bring the little bird back down the tree and would leave her in the dark shelter of the bushes so she could go to bed.

On this particular day the little bird said “Quirk would you stay here on this branch with me so we can laugh and play and be friends forever.” The squirrel happily said “yes, I would like that!” so that is exactly what they did they laughed and played, they had been having so much fun. Then the crows noticed the little bird was in the tree and they swooped down and started teasing the little bird squawking, “you can’t flyyyy your afraid to flyyyy you can’t flyyyyy”.

Well the little bird was so upset that she started flapping her wings and frantically saying “I can too fly, I’m not afraid to fly, I can fly if I wanted to fly, I can Fly If I want too!!!” Quirk couldn’t believe his eyes he was stunned looking at the little bird he exclaimed “Birdie you’re flying, you’re flying!”…the little bird had flapped her wings so hard that she had begun to fly “I’m flying?” she said “I am flying!” she was so happy she flew looped deedoos then up and down and in and out of all the branches. Then she saw it, the tallest tree in all the forest and she flapped her wings as hard as she could and flew all the way to the tippy top of that tallest tree and she sat there so proud and so brave. Birdie wasn’t afraid of flying anymore and she was never bothered by those big bully crows ever again.

Everyday the squirrel would scurry up the tallest tree in all the forest to meet the little bird and they would laugh and play throughout the whole forest, in and out of all the branches, and up and down all the trees having so much fun, Quirk and Birdie remained best friends forever.

Eden, my dearest friend!

Once upon a time there was a wealthy family called The Smiths. They lived in a very big and comfortable mansion just like a castle. The house had a beautiful garden with many smelly red roses. These flowers were planted in honour of Mr. Smith’s wife, Emma, and they also had a little girl called Rose who was loved and given everything she wanted.

One day the Smiths decided to clean up the attic and throw away some old things they had in it. Among the old objects there was a teddy bear, a very old one full of dust and without an eye. The Smiths didn’t care and quickly got rid of the teddy bear. After hours cleaning all up Mr. and Mrs. Smith decided to take a nap. Meanwhile Rose was feeling upset and she was fed up of being at home playing always with the same toys. Although they were very modern, beautiful and educative, she needed something more personal and special. Once annoyed, Rose decided to go outside and play hide and seek who knows with her dog Brutus.

The little girl was playing full of joy, running from one place to another when suddenly she notices the teddy bear and all the other old objects her parents had put in there with the aim of getting rid of everything. Rose felt sorry for the poor teddy bear. He seemed so lonely and hurt that she decided to pick him up.

- “Mummy! Look what I’ve found. ” – said Rose.
- “Where did you find it Rosie? Your father and I threw it away. ” – Mrs. Smith answered.
- “I’ve found it outside. I thought he was so said that…”
- “Don’t be silly my dear daughter!
It’s just an ugly and dirty teddy bear!
Throw it away now!” – the mummy said angrily.

Rose went outside pretending she was throwing the teddy bear away but instead she treated him. She made him some new clothes, sewed his eye and put a smile on his face. He wasn’t scruffy any more; he was now a very cute teddy bear and he even had a name. Rose decided to call him Eden because he was found in the garden and she remembered a story her mummy had told her once about the Garden of Eden.

She hugged Eden tight and promised he would never be abandoned again. Now she felt really happy and she also had won a best friend with whom she could play whenever and wherever she wanted.

The parents ended up letting her bringing Eden home and they also noticed that the most important weren’t those expensive and beautiful toys they offered her; what really matters is friendship and simplicity.

Therefore they lived happily ever after with one more member in the family: Eden Teddy Bear.

Gimpy the Mother Bear and Her Four Babies Go Camping

Once upon a time there were four babies and Gimpy they decided to go camping at the same campsite as we did. My name is Sara and I went camping with my Mom and my older sister Jessica and my younger brother Connor and my baby sister Willow. We had set up our tents at Hickory Run State Park site 93 camping is so much fun we go every summer, but this year was the most exciting.

Mom and the four of us were having a great time camping we spent the day at the beach building sand castles with moats. Then when we got hot we splashed into the water and chased the schools of fish shimmering in the cool lake water and if you got lucky you could even see a tadpole, I love it when they are starting to grow there legs they look so neat I haven’t caught one yet they are really super fast I keep trying though.

Connor and Willow are little so they have to wear Swimmies and use floats sometimes. Mom even pushes them around on our big fish raft our Uncle gave to us at least until my big sister Jessica takes it to lay on in the water she’s a teenager she’s really long and angry. Sometimes she plays with us but usually she just has that mean angry face, oh well Mom makes her play with us anyway.

When we went back to the campsite we were so hungry. Mom made a fire she is amazing she built the fire and we helped wrap dinner in tin foil so we could cook it on the grill over the fire. Mom puts it on the fire we aren’t allowed because fire is dangerous and we could get hurt so while she is cooking we are in the tent with the big lantern coloring pictures we show to her through the tent wall they are see through. After dinner we made smores we get to roast marshmallows and make them with graham crackers and chocolate bars, which is my favorite part of camping.

We all helped Mom and Jessica put the food in the car we even picked up the marshmallows on the ground they were sticky and covered in dirt and pine needles gross. Mom said if we don’t the bears will come to our campsite to eat and marshmallows aren’t good for animals they should eat berries and things that are in the woods and absolutely no food in the tents bears have great sniffers and would smell anything in our pockets and everyone knows bears are very hungry.

Willow and Connor get tired fast so we sang some songs and got ready for bed. I could stay up all night but we all have to go in our tents to get the babies to sleep, except Jessica she gets to stay up and watch the fire she says it’s the best part of her day.

As we lie in our tents you can see the flickering colors of light bouncing off the tent you can even see shadows. Then the babies went to sleep so Mom put on the flashlight so I could make shadow puppets. I can make a dog and a butterfly. I was starting to go to sleep so we turned off the flashlight and snuggled under the blankets I remember watching shadows moving outside our tent probably just Jessica walking around so I went to sleep.

Next thing I hear Jessica is yelling Bear! Bear! Bear! Mom told her to stay away from it and she left the tent we stayed inside. They were shining the flashlight on the bear who was trying to get into our car we forgot to close the windows and bears have good sniffers. The bear was taller than the car we could see the bears long nose and little ears. Mom had read in a pamphlet the park ranger gave us to yell at the bear to scare it away, they were yelling but the bear just looked at them. Then they saw another bear on the other side of the car. Now we were getting scared the marshmallows were in there if they eat them no more smores.

Jessica and Mom started yelling for help the bears weren’t leaving and now there were more of them. They are so cute though, they were so black and shiny they look just like teddy bears it was sad to see them getting yelled at. I know Mom was just trying to scare them so they would leave not knowing if they were angry bears or not. Hard to believe that Jessica couldn’t scare them she yells all the time. After a few more minutes the bears started moving off the car I don’t know if they were scared they didn’t look scared I think they just didn’t want to be where it was so noisy. As the big bear lumbered away she was limping and she had four little bears following her. There were five bears they all walked across the road and climbed up a hill into the woods.

A Park Ranger pulled up in his truck just as the five bears went into the woods. He asked if everyone was Okay, we were. He asked us if one of the bears were walking funny, we said yes. Then he told us that we had met Gimpy she was a mother bear she had four babies two she had just had this year one from last year and she had adopted a bear cub. So there were five bears he said they were going home they go down to the ravine below our campsite and follow the stream home. They probably wanted a snack before going to bed she is very nice and never gives anyone any problems but there is a snooty bear on loop C that is another camping area I’m glad we didn’t meet snooty bear.

The Ranger said he would keep an eye on them and we would be safe so we could go back to sleep. Remember he said all wildlife needs to be respected always use caution around animals and give them plenty of space. They can get scared too. So we went to sleep and the next morning we had to pack up and go home I really hope to see Gimpy again with her four babies her family is just as big as ours. I didn’t mind sharing the campsite with Gimpy but next time we will remember to close our car windows.

Baby Bubba goes to the Jungle

Once there was a little baby boy called Bubba. Bubba had bright blue eyes and golden curls, and everyone who saw him loved him instantly. He had a nanny called Jiji who had cared for him ever since he was quite a tiny baby, and she was very fond of him.

Bubba’s Father was an Army Officer, and they lived in a beautiful white house on the Hills. Around the house was a garden, and outside the garden there was a jungle for miles and miles, and all kinds of birds and animals lived in the jungle.

Little Bubba liked playing on the on the patio with his pets, Miow Miow, the cat, and Wooff-Wooff, the dog, and they both loved him dearly. Miow-Miow never scratched him, and Wooff-Wooff stood on his two hind legs to perform funny tricks to make Bubba laugh.

Every morning after breakfast Bubba threw bread crumbs to the little birds on the lawn. The birds sat in the trees and waited for him, and sang about him till he came out of the house. Bubba loved to feed them and play with them. Miow-Miow watched the birds, but she never tried to catch them because she knew that Bubba loved them.

But one day when Bubba was feeding the birds, a big snake called Hoody, who lived in the garden, came creeping up near the veranda. He tried to catch some of the birds while they were eating, but Bubba saw him and called out, “Go away, bad Hoody, go away!”

Bubba’s nanny heard him and came running out to see what the matter was. Seeing her, Hoody crawled away into his hole under a big tree in the garden.

Now Hoody was a naughty snake, and was always up to some mischief. Hoody thought it would be fun to take bubba out in the jungle, where all the wild animals lived.

So one day, he went out into the jungle to see an old friend of his, Tig, the Tiger, and talk the matter over with him. Hoody asked Tig if he would like to meet a little baby boy, and Tig licked his lips and said, “H’M! let’s see.”

Then Hoody went further into the jungle and met Prowl, the Wolf. “How would you like to meet a little baby?” asked Hoody; and Prowl, the Wolf, licked his lips and said, “aHaa!” and nothing else.

A little further on Hoody met Bluf, the big brown Bear, and he asked him, “what will you do if you saw a little baby in the jungle. And Bluf stood up on his hind legs, and said, Oh! Would be nice, very nice indeed!”

And then Poonda, the big wild Elephant, came crushing through the jungle, and Hoody quickly scurried out of his way, so he doesn’t get trampled. “How would you like to meet a little .. ” he screamed out, but Poonda made a loud noise with his trunk and ran on. Nevertheless, Hoody was satisfied, and he laughed, thinking Poonda might trample Bubba when he comes to the jungle.

After this Hoody went home to his hole under the tree in Bubba’s garden, and watched and waited. One day, when Wooff-Wooff had gone off to chase a wild rabbit, Miow-Miow was fast asleep in the sun, and Nanny Jiji went into the house to fetch Bubba’s Noah’s ark, Hoody saw Bubba alone on the patio.

Hoody slid out of his hole quickly and came near Bubba, waving his head back and forth, and shooting out his little tongue, while the sun shone on his smooth shiny skin. Oh, pretty Hoody!” said Bubba, “you’re naughty. Go away!” “No,” said Hoody sweetly, “I’m not naughty, dear Bubba, and I know where some beautiful flowers grow. Come with me and I’ll show you!” “No,” said Bubba, shaking his head.

But Hoody continued to look at him steadily, and soon Bubba slid down from the verandah and came near him. Then Hoody laughed and drew back quickly into the thick part of the garden, and Bubba ran after him.

When the Nanny returned to the patio with Bubba’s Noah’s Ark, and she saw his little empty chair and Miow-Miow asleep in the sun, she was alarmed and ran around calling Bubba’s name. Then Bubba’s Mommy came out, and then his Daddy, and they searched the garden for a very long time, but could not find any trace of him.

Then Miow-Miow woke up and Wooff-Wooff came back, and they both wondered what was going on. Soon, some little birds overhead called out to them to attract their attention. They said, “Bubba followed Hoody, the Snake, into the jungle, and he will be lost and harmed by the wild animals unless he is brought back. Quick! Quick! Go after him!”

And so Wooff-Wooff ran to Bubba’s Father and Mother and tried to tell them. He ran backwards and forwards trying to point to the jungle, and barked and barked. Then woof-woof set out to the jungle to find Bubba, and Bubba’s parents followed.

Now after Bubba had followed Hoody a little way through the garden, the snake turned to a little path which led to a broken part of the garden wall. “You must crawl through here,” said Hoody, “the pretty flowers are on the other side.” So Bubba crawled through and found himself in the jungle.

Further on! further on!” cried Hoody, every time Bubba stopped to gather any, “there are prettier ones further on.” And so Bubba went on and on till he came to where Tig the Tiger lay asleep in the long grass. “Now’s your time,” whispered Hoody in his ear, “here’s the little baby I told you about.” And Tig sprang up with a roar.

But Bubba wasn’t a bit frightened, and he only laughed, and said “what a big, big Miow-Miow!” And he put his arms around Tig’s neck and nestled his head in his soft fur, and Tig liked it so much, he purred with delight just like Miow-Miow did when she was pleased. Hoody was very angry at this, and seeing that Bubba made friends with Tig, he called to Bubba, “Come, let’s go and find more flowers.”

And Bubba kissed Tig goodbye, and followed Hoody further into the jungle, till they met Prowl, the Wolf. “Here’s the little baby,” whispered Hoody. And Prowl said, “Ha!” and was going to spring upon him, but Bubba only laughed and said, “What a big Wooff-Wooff!” and patted him on the head, and looked into his eyes. Prowl then licked Bubba’s hands and frisked around him just like Wooff-Wooff.

This is silly,” said Hoody angrily. “Come now, it is almost sunset, and we must go home,” and he led the way to where Bluf, the big brown Bear, lived. “I’ve brought the little baby for you,” said Hoody.

And Bluf said, “Oh! very nice, very nice indeed!” And caught Bubba up in his arms and hugged him. “Just like my Nanny does!” laughed Bubba, and he patted Bluf’s cheeks and kissed him, and Bluf hugged him more to keep him warm.

Just then there was a loud trumpeting noise, and Bluf put Bubba down on the ground, and Hoody slid off into the grass, hissing. “Now Poonda is coming!”

But when Poonda came and saw the little baby Bubba, he remembered that he had not always been a wild elephant, but had once belonged to a nice man. So he picked little Bubba up with his trunk and placed him gently on his back.

And that’s when Bubba’s Father found him, after he followed wooff-wooff into the jungle. Wooff-Wooff traced the little boy by his scent, and found him riding on Poonda’s back. Then Poonda let Bubba’s Father sit on his back too. And so they returned in triumph with Bubba and his Father on Poonda’s back, and good Wooff-Wooff barking and frisking by his side. The naughty snake Hoody went into the jungle, and never tried to bother Bubba ever again.

Aladdin and the Magic Lamp

Once, there lived a poor tailor, who had a son called Aladdin, a careless boy who would play all day long. One day, when Aladdin was playing, an old man came up to him, and said “Are you Aladdin? I can see you look very much like your father. You don’t know me, but I am your uncle, and had been away in a distant country for some time.” Thus he befriended Aladdin. Now, this strange man was no uncle of Aladdin, but he was a wicked magician, who wanted to make use of the boy's services.

Next day the magician led Aladdin to a beautiful garden outside the city. They went a good way into the country, until they came to two mountains divided by a narrow valley. There he lighted a fire, and threw into it some powder, all the time repeating strange words. The ground then opened right before them, and a stone trap-door appeared. Aladdin got very scared by seeing this. But the magician calmly lifted the trap door and told Aladdin "Fear nothing, but obey me. Beneath this stone lies a treasure which is to be yours, so you must do exactly as I tell you. Go down, and at the foot of those steps you will find an open door leading into three large halls. Go through them without touching anything. These halls lead into a garden of fine fruit trees. Walk on till you come to niche in a terrace where stands a lighted lamp. Blow the lamp out, pour out the oil it contains, and bring the lamp to me."
Aladdin went through the door, and found all that the Magician had told him to be true, and he found the lamp. As he came back through the garden, his eyes were dazzled with the bright-coloured fruits on the trees, shining like glass. He plucked and put some of these in his pockets, and then returned with the Lamp, and called to his uncle to help him up the steps. "Give me the Lamp," said the magician, angrily. "Not until I get out safe," cried the boy. The Magician, getting angry, slammed down the trap-door, and Aladdin was shut inside.
Aladdin was sitting and crying, when he happened to rub the lamp by chance. There was a strange sound and some smoke came out of the lamp. Then the smoke assumed the shape of a strange figure, and the figure said “Hello master, I am the genie of the lamp. I am at your command, please tell me what I can do for you.” Aladdin cried, “I just want to go back to my mother”. In an instant Aladdin found himself at home. He told his mother all that had happened. She felt curious, and rubbed the lamp. The Genie of the Lamp arose again, and asked for their commands. Aladdin and his mother asked for some food, and the choicest fare instantly appeared on a pretty dish of silver. Aladdin and his mother feasted on the rich fare brought to them. They lived happily for quite some time after that, since the genie always fulfilled their wishes.
One day, while Aladdin was out on his walk, he chanced to see the King's daughter, princess Bulbul. Bulbul was so beautiful, and Aladdin fell in love with her. So Aladdin’s mother took a bowl full of the shining fruits he had gathered before, and gifted it to the King, and asked for his daughter to be wed to Aladdin. The King was amazed at the richness of the fruits, and said to Aladdin's mother: "Your son shall have his wish, if he can send me forty bowls like this in a week." The Lamp Genie brought the bowls of fruits, and Aladdin's mother went with them to the King. The King was overjoyed at receiving these rich gifts, and had a grand feast to marry Princess Bulbul and Aladdin. Aladdin then ordered the Lamp Genie to build a superb Palace, and the young couple lived there quite happily for some time.
Meanwhile, the wicked Magician heard about Aladdin’s wonderful palace, and knew that it was because of the Lamp Genie. He wished to get hold of the Magic Lamp for himself, so one day when Aladdin was out of town, he went near the palace with a basketful of lamps and cried out in the streets, "New lamps for old ones! New lamps for old ones!" On hearing him, the young princess, who did not know the value of Aladdin's old Lamp, changed it for a new one, and so the Magician got the magic lamp.
mmediately, the Magician asked the Genie to transport the Palace and princess Bulbul to Africa. Aladdin's was so grief stricken, and went to Africa to find the princess. The Princess was rejoiced to see him again. He then gave her a powerful sleeping-tonic, and advised her to pour it into the Magician’s wine at dinner that day. The magician fell sound asleep after drinking the tonic. Then Aladdin came and took the Lamp, and called upon the Genie to transport the Palace, the Princess, and himself, back. Aladdin and Bulbul lived in the palace and enjoyed good fortune for a long time, and did not see the wicked magician again.

The Tiger and the Lion.

One day a tiger felt that it was more powerful than the lion and wanted to challenge the lion. It went near the lion’s den and started shouting and making all kids of sounds. It was noon and the lion was fast asleep after a meal. The sounds created by the tiger woke up lion.

Who is there? Shouted the lion.

There was no reply but the shouts of the tiger increased.

The lion came out of its den and stood in front of the tiger that was shouting continuously.

Staring deep into the tiger’s eys the lion asked: Why are you disturbing me, you can go to any other place in the forest and shout as loudly as you can. But I never allow you to disturb me any more.

The tiger looked furiously at the lion and said: Look this forest belongs to all and so is this place too. You have no right to ask me to vacate this. I shall continue to be here and shout, as I like.

In the meantime an elephant that was passing by noticed the argument between the tiger and the lion and came.

‘Stop quarrelling. What is the problem. Let me know,’ demanded the elephant.

The lion explained the reason and the tiger stood to its stance. The elephant felt helpless to resolve their conflict.

Then came Dr.Dove. It has inquired from the elephant: What is going on here? Generally I do not see a tiger and a lion together?

The elephant reported the matter briefly.

That’s the entire problem? Yelled Dr.Dove.

The elephant was surprised at the casual attitude of Dr.Dove.

Don’t you think it is not a problem at all? : The elephant asked.

Yes it is very much a problem but not at all a difficult one to solve. The elephant got further perplexed with this response from Dr.Dove.

Dr.Dove now took the lead and starting flying in-between the tiger and the lion.

The tiger and the lion got disturbed with this.

Seeing them giving a pause to their loud arguments, Dr. Pigeon proposed: Dear friends you can solve the problem.

How both the tiger and the lion shouted.

Very simple the tiger can continue to shout and the lion can continue to sleep: said Dr. Pigeon.

You stupid Dr.Dove. You are fit only to pull out the thorns from the feet, clear dust from the eyes and treat cut injuries of the animals but not the problems like this – yelled the lion.

The tiger joined the lion and said: leave us alone we shall solve our problems ourselves.

No my dear friends, please listen to me.

Dr. Pigeon requested the lion to follow and enter the den quickly. The lion thought for a while and then followed Dr.Dove. As the lion entered the den, Dr.Dove took out two lumps of cotton from its kit and approached the Lion.

Mr. Lion please listen to me these lumps of cotton help you proof yourself from the sound pollution being made by the Tiger. Please place these lumps one each in to your ears and experience for yourself.

The lion did as suggested and both the lion and Dr.Dove came out the den silently.

Dr. Dove told the tiger: Mr. Tiger please shout as loudly as you can you will have no objection from the Lion.

The tiger shouted loudly and the lion felt no disturbance.

The lion retuned to its den greeting the Pigeon by waving its paw. The tiger got furious at this gesture and continue shouting at its best – also puzzled as to why the lion has become so calm.

Seeing this confused state of the tiger Dr. Dove told: Mr. Tiger I told the tiger of your power and advised him not to quarrel with you. You are more powerful than the lion. See the lion itself has agreed to it.

Tiger felt very happy and gently stroked Dr .Dove with its claw in appreciation of its help. Then Dr. Dove told: Mr. Tiger you should not stay here that too before a lion’s den. Because seeing you here other animals might feel that you are serving the lion. So I suggest that you should to that hilltop and live there.

Yes, Dr. Dove I shall follow your advice and I thank you for this: saying this the tiger proceeded to the hilltop.

The elephant was thrilled at this sudden change and astonishingly looked at Dr. Dove.

Dr.Dove fluttered its wings and flew towards south.

Bill and the Boom Box Rocket

Once upon a time there lived a boy named Bill, who always dreamed of flying to the moon.

One summer evening when Bill was trying to go to sleep, he was bothered by his big brother Ron. Ron was playing his new boom box too loud. The only way Bill could go to sleep was to put on some headphones and play a tape. His favorite tape had the sound of the ocean waves splashing up on shore.

As he lay there in bed with his eyes closed pretending he was lying on the beach under a full moon, he began to daydream about flying to the moon in a rocket ship.

The rocket ship was not very big--just big enough for two astronauts. He and his brother Ron were co-astronauts.

Bill called out to Ron, "Navigator ready?" Ron called back in the headset, "Yes, navigator ready."

"Mission control ready?" Bill asked into the headset. "Mission control ready. We will begin countdown in T minus ten seconds, nine seconds, eight seconds" . . . Bill's heart began to race . . . "two seconds, one . . . BLASTOFF!"

Bill and Ron were thrown back into their seats. They could feel the skin on their faces being stretched back towards their ears. Then they felt like they weighed 100 pounds apiece. Their rocket ship zoomed up into the sky so fast everything out the window was just a blur. It seemed like just a couple of minutes had gone by when everything got really smooth and quiet. They were now in outer space!

Bill was sitting in the front seat and Ron was in the back. Bill asked Ron, "What does it look like out the back?" "It looks like earth is just a blue and white ball. You can see the clouds and oceans, but you cannot see any cities or trees."

Ron asked Bill, "Can you see the moon coming up?" "Yes, I see it," Bill said. "I think we will be there in about 30 minutes if my calculations are correct. We're going 25,000 miles per hour and it is about 50,000 miles to the moon." "Cool," said Ron. "I think I will play my GameBoy and listen to some music on my boom box." "You brought your boom box?" Bill was obviously annoyed. "You know I don't go anywhere without my boom box," said Ron. He turned on the music and the boys listened. The time quickly passed.

"Mission control to Bill," came over the headsets. "Bill here." "You will need to prepare for landing in two minutes," said the voice. "Roger, we'll be ready," said Bill. "Here we go. Hold on, it looks like it might be a rough landing." The rocket ship came in very rough. So rough that both Bill and Ron's airbags deployed. Finally, they came to rest. "Bill, are you O.K.?" asked Ron. "Yes, I'm O.K., but that airbag hit me in the face like a rock-hard pillow. I think my nose would be bleeding if I didn't have on this helmet. Let's take a look around and see if the rocket ship is O.K." "Good idea," said Ron.

They put on their moon walk suits. The moon walk suits were big and heavy. They had built in air conditioners to cool them when the sun was on them and a heater to warm them up when they were in the shade. Since they were in outer space, it would go way below freezing in the shade and get so hot you could get burned in the sun. When they stepped outside, they felt like they were floating on air. They only weighed about six pounds each. So when they walked, it was as if they bounced. They bounced up about ten feet with each step. They quickly gathered up some moon rocks as souvenirs. Then they began to inspect the rocket to make sure it was flyable for the return trip. Things did not look good. The portion of the ship that housed the rocket starter was heavily damaged. The batteries that turned the starter were completely destroyed. They began to fear that they might be trapped on the moon. "What are we going to do?" asked Ron. He looked scared. "I don't know," Bill answered. "Let's call Mission Control and see if they have any suggestions."

They went back inside and tossed the moon rocks aside. They called Mission Control. "We will get back to you" was the answer. They needed time to think. "We only have enough food and water for one more day," Ron reminded Bill. "Yeah, we will really need to conserve it." They nervously sat in their seats and waited for Mission Control. No reply. After awhile, Bill jumped up and said, "I've got it! Give me your boom box." Ron said, "What? Are you crazy?" "No just give it to me," said Bill. Ron surrendered his boom box. Bill took it and turned it on real loud and smiled. Ron looked sad. He just knew that Bill was losing his mind.

Then Bill turned off the music and flipped the boom box upside down. He opened the battery compartment and took out the eight large batteries. "I think we can tape these together and make one big battery that will start the rocket," said Bill. "Hand me that duct take from the tool kit." "Sounds like a good idea to me," said Ron. Bill lined up the batteries in two rows of four and taped them together in a bundle. He took a piece of tape and connected a wire to the batteries on each end. He hooked one up to the starter. He took the other wire and ran it back up to his seat in the front. Bill told Ron to get in his seat. "If I touch the wire to the metal on the dashboard, the starter should work and we can blast-off." Ron hoped that he was right. "Are you ready?" Bill asked Ron without waiting for an answer. "Here goes!" As he touched the wire to the dashboard, they could hear the roar of the rocket. Before they knew it, they were zooming back through space towards earth. "Yippee!" how they both yelled.

Just then, Bill's mom pulled the headphones off of his head and told him to go on to sleep. It was easy for Bill to get back to sleep, because he hoped he could pick up his rocket ship dream right where he left off.

The Kingdom of Light

In the Kingdom of Light there were twin boys named Shay and Dawn.

Shay and Dawn would play in the light of the sun, in the light of the stars, in the silvery light of the moon.

Wherever there was light, there were Shay and Dawn.

They would dip their toes in rays of sunshine.

They would twirl their fingers in the twinkle of stars.

They would swirl around in the glimmer and shimmer of moonlight.

Shay and Dawn were always together.

The boys loved each other very much and never tired of chasing beams of light from the moon, stars, or sun.

The boys had only one wish that they could be together forever in the light they loved so much.
Because the boys had this wish, they decided to visit the King of Light, and ask him to grant their wish.

One day they decided to make the journey to the King of Light's castle. It was a marvelous castle, shinning and twinkling like diamonds on the hillside.

The boys were granted entrance to see the King, and when they saw him, they nearly fell down because of his brightness.

The King was the most beautiful light they had ever seen.

He shone from head to foot. He seemed to walk on rays of light.

The King was brighter than the sun, twinkled more than the stars, and his glow out did the moon.

The King asked the boys, "why have you come to see me?"

And Shay and Dawn answered him by saying, "We have come to ask you to grant our wish. We love to play in the light together and we wanted to know if you would allow us to be together in the light forever?"

The King took a liking to the boys, and because they had traveled so far, and loved the light and each other so much, he decided to grant their wish.

The King said, "Because of your love for each other, I will grant your wish, for you and all people.

That way your love will be a witness to everyone when they walk in the light of the sun, they will see their shadow, and remember the love you have for each other and for ligh."

From now on you will be called Shadow, and you will follow all people when the light is bright.

The Culprit - An Indian Folk Tale

There once lived a pundit by the name of Poornananda in a village far away.
He had two disciples-- Nagendra and Krishna.
One day while the two were coming to the village from the city, Naga (Nagendra's nickname) picked a fight with a horse cart driver. The fight reached flashpoint and Naga, unable to contain himself any longer, slapped the horse cart driver. The driver fell down.
Poornananda, who happened to witness the incident, came to the horse cart driver's rescue.
" What have you done Naga? Is this what I taught you?"

Feeling ashamed of himself, after hearing his guru's words, Naga fell at his feet and begged forgiveness. But Krishna was watching all this with glee.

"Nagendra was a big bully. It's good that you came along, guru. This incident is a shame even to me," Krishna said.

On hearing this Poornanada's face turned red. "One is a big bully. But what about the other? Quietly watching the fight with glee! So you, too, are equally guilty."

Krishna hung his head in shame.

Toys Make the False Friends

One day in Greenville, a dog named Rusty just got some new toys. Then he heard something and saw a big moving truck pull into the driveway next door and the license plate said Snobby State of Arizona. Every one in Snobbyville was selfish and jealous of each other.

While Rusty was relaxing in the yard chewing his bone, the new dog named Snob Bob walked over to meet Rusty. Rusty asked him, "Do you want to go buy a toy at the store?" and Snob Bob replied, "I guess so."

So they went to the store to see a new toy ball called Super Bounce 9000. But when they walked in the clerk at the desk who was really mean said, "get out of my store you smelly dogs!" So Rusty and Snob Bob snuck in and took it. It was the last ball. Then Snob Bob said, "I've got a new toy for me, uh I mean you."

Rusty with his new ball in his mouth, had an idea to go to the park. While they were walking, a horrible storm kicked up and the wind blew a tree down and hit Rusty on the noggin. At that moment Snob Bob takes the ball and laughs. Then, the fireman came to help Rusty get the tree off of his noggin or he will die. So they get the tree off of him and just then when the veterinarian arrives they take him to the medical center.

In a couple of minutes the police come to arrest Snob Bob. At the end, Rusty heals and gets full control of the ball and Snob Bob got thrown in jail after losing in court.


Once upon a time there was a forest fire in a big, big forest. All the little animals that lived there ran as fast as they could to get away from the hot flames. Squirrels, raccoons, foxes, snakes, turtles, rabbits, mice and many other animals had to find new homes. Some of them went to other forests, some of them went to parks, and some of them actually had to make their little homes in the yards of human beings, or, people.

Far, far away from the fire was a house where three little children lived. Their names were Thomas, Kathy, and Carrie. They all went to school but on this September day it was Saturday.

They had been playing all morning. Now it was lunchtime. They were hungry. They asked their mom if they could have lunch, and she said, "Why don't you have a picnic in the yard"?

That sounded like a great idea, but WHERE in the yard? So Mom told them to lay a picnic cloth in the green grassy grass near the scruffy old juniper bushes. While they were doing that, she would make some celery sticks, carrot sticks, and some yummy peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

When the kids had spread out the picnic blanket, they ran into the kitchen and asked if lunch was ready. Mom told them to take the carrot sticks and plates out to the blanket, and to take their drinks also. So Thomas, Kathy and Carrie took these things out to the blanket and arranged them carefully. Then they ran as fast as they could, huffing and puffing, back to the kitchen and said to Mom, "What else have you made so far"? So she said, "I've got your celery sticks cut up for you now – run these out to your picnic blanket." So out ran the three kids as fast as they could go to add these to the carrots on their plates.

But when they got to the blanket, something was wrong. Where were the carrot sticks? They were all gone! "This must be a trick," said Kathy. "Let's leave the celery sticks here and see what happens!"

Then they ran as fast as they could back to Mom, who by now was making the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. They told her that someone had stolen the carrot sticks. She said, "You're kidding!" and they said "Come on – we'll show you!"

Mom hurried out with them to the picnic blanket. But now, not only were the carrot sticks missing, but the celery sticks were gone, too! Mom said, "Maybe one of your neighbor friends is hiding them just to be silly."

So everyone spread out and looked behind trees, bushes, and just about everywhere. Unfortunately, they couldn't find the carrots, the celery, or anyone hiding.

Finally Mom said, "Well, your drinks are still out here. Let's get your sandwiches. You guys go ahead and eat them out here and maybe something will turn up."

So Thomas, Kathy and Carrie sat down to their picnic and they ate their sandwiches. Of course, while they sat there, they couldn't help but look around for the sneaky celery and carrot thief.

They were just about finished eating when Carrie looked over at the juniper bushes and saw something move. She softly said, "Shshsh!" to Thomas and Kathy. "There's something wiggling over there! See the bushes moving?" So everyone sat very still, and a little brown animal came to edge of the bushes and looked at them. It was a rabbit. Quietly it went back into the bushes.

"I have an idea", said Thomas. "Let's get more celery and carrots, and see if that rabbit is our thief. We'll put them at the edge of the bushes, and watch from the window."

They quietly went back into the house and got Mom to cut up more celery and carrots. They carefully put them down near the bushes and walked back to the house. As they watched, the little rabbit came out and grabbed the vegetables in his mouth and carried them back into the juniper bushes. Mom had watched, too, and she said that she had never seen a rabbit in the yard before. She thought that maybe because of the forest fire, he had needed to look for a new home.

"Maybe we can keep feeding this rabbit, and he will stay here for a long time," said Mom.

That is just what they did. They fed the little rabbit every day. A few weeks went by. The weather turned cooler and finally winter came and they didn't see the rabbit. Sometimes they would take food out to the edge of the bushes, and sometimes the food would disappear, and other times it just stayed there. All winter they worried about the rabbit – was he cold, was he scared, did he move somewhere else?

Finally, spring came. They watched for the rabbit day after day. In early April, the day before Easter, when the trees had just a few leaves, Thomas, Kathy, and Carrie took the food out to the bushes, and as they watched, the little rabbit came out and grabbed it! Whatever he had done during the winter, he was OK now!

The kids continued to feed him, and one day, the little rabbit came out to get his food, and he had four little rabbits with him! Their rabbit was a Mommy rabbit!

So from that time on, the kids fed the rabbits, and year after year, there was always a little rabbit family that lived in their scruffy old juniper bushes.

Little Star

Little star lived in space with all the other stars and planets. Most stars were shiny and bright and made patterns in the sky, but try as she might, Little Star couldn’t shine as brightly as the other stars.

One night when the other stars were dancing around the moon Little Star set off to see her friend, Twinkle. Now Twinkle was a wishing star and could make Little Stars wish come true. She wanted to be the brightest star in the universe! But Little Star couldn’t find Twinkle anywhere and she started to cry. Would she ever be as bright as the other stars ?

Suddenly she heard a friendly voice calling out ,”Little Star, Little Star grab hold of my tail and I’ll take you for a ride!” It was Corky the comet. Corky had a long silvery tail and was always rushing through space. Straight away Little Star leaped onto Corky’s tail. It was time for an adventure!

“Where are we going?” Little Star asked Corky. “We’re going to visit my old friend Mr. Sun, the biggest and brightest star of all.” Little Star was so excited she nearly fell off Corky’s tail. As Corky sped through space Little Star could feel the warm glow from Mr. Sun getting closer.” We’ll fly once around Mr. Sun and then it’s back home for tea” bellowed Corky. Little Star couldn’t wait.

As they got nearer Corky heard Little Star shout out ,”Hello Mr. Sun.”

Mr. Sun slowly turned around to see who was there. “ Well if it isn’t my old friend Corky… and who have you brought along to see me today?” he said with a warm and friendly voice. “This” said Corky, is my new friend Little Star. “ It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Sun “ said Little Star. “ I wish I was big and bright like you.”

Mr. Sun chuckled to himself. “ It will be a long time before you’re as big as me “ he said, “But you’ll be much brighter sooner than you think “ he said, winking at Corky.

Then Mr. Sun reached out his long shimmering arm and shook hands with Little Star, and as he let go a strange thing happened. Little Star felt all tingly inside, her eyes lit up and suddenly she started to glow brighter and brighter.” Looks like Mr. Sun has cheered you up a bit”, said Corky. Little Star gave Corky a big smile then turned around to wave goodbye to Mr. Sun. “ Thank you for making me bright and shiny”, shouted Little Star.” You always were”, said Mr. Sun ,”you just had to feel it inside.”

Then with a whoosh from Corky’s tail they shot off through space and before Little Star knew it they were back home just in time for tea.


Once upon a time, in a faraway land lived a King and Queen with 7 daughters. The eldest was 17 and was called Vanessa, the second eldest was 16 and called India, then came the twins Kareshka and Dandy, (they called her Dandy Brush for fun) who where 15. Next came Alexandra, the cleverest of them all and 14 years old. And the youngest was Brianna who was 13. They all lived a huge castle with towers and battlements bigger than any in the world. The towers were 7 and in each one, one of the princesses slept.

But one stormy night Brianna could not get to sleep. The rain crashed on her window and shew could hear the wind roaring in the distance. So she got up and pulled on her fluffy cream dressing gown and opened her bedroom door.

The whole castle seemed to be sleeping and the spindly stairs that connected the tower with the rest of the castle were swallowed up by darkness. So she crept back through her room and opened a pink satin coated chest and took out a candle.

She lit it with a match and then descended the stairs and came into a long corridor. It was cold and dark along here, so Brianna wrapped her dressing gown around her tighter and leaned closer to her candle.

As she walked further along the corridor she became aware of a faint green light in the library. She became intrigued and walked faster towards the library door that was wide open.

When she stepped into the library the door slammed shut after her and her candle snuffed out. Brianna wanted to scream but no noise came out. The only light now was that green light that was as bright as the sun now that she had entered the library.

And there in the cushy armchair by the fireplace sat a beautiful woman. She looked about 23 years old but like nobody Brianna had ever seen before. She had green hair and her skin had a greenish tinge to it. Even her eyes and clothes where green. She smiled when Brianna came in and said " I have been waiting many years to see you my child." and held out a hand for Brianna to take.

Brianna took it because she was enchanted by the green glow. She new neither where nor what it was coming from but it made her think of the most wonderful things, like the green lemonade cook sometimes made for her and of her favorite Quill. (a green one) and of freshly moan grass that she and her sisters loved to picnic on. And the woman, the woman reminded her of someone she had seen in a dream. A lovely lady who had helped her be reunited with her sisters after they had been ship-wrecked. But that was only a dream. This was reality. Or was it???

Brianna seemed to be hypnotized by the light and walked over to the woman in a kind of stupor. " My name is Selina the woman carried on in a soft musical voice. " After the moon."

She was now twirling a strand of Brianna's long red hair round her finger. " You will probably not know me," she said. " For I you have never truly met me. But I have met you. And I have always wanted you for my daughter. You have the most lovely hair and your beauty is outstanding. Leave your wicked parents and come with me.

You shall no longer be overcrowded by your sisters. You shall be the center of attention always..." The word "wicked" brought Brianna back to her senses for a moment and just had time to give the woman an alarmed look before the green light and mystical song that now seemed to be coming from the mists of it made everything cloudy and she no longer had the ability to think.

"Yes, your parents are wicked" Selina went on. "For they have denied you a Pegasus. Something you always wanted am I right??? And did they not tell you that Pegasuses don't exist??? Well... They do! Do you not believe me? I have one outside just for you. You shall have that and everything else you have always wanted. Only if you come with me."

Poor Brianna! The beautiful woman had hypnotized her! What else could she do but say yes???
So Selina told her to go and pack and she did. The next thing she new she was flying on a blue Pegasus high in the sky.

Her red hair whipping round her face and Selina riding a huge green Swan next to her.
At last they reached Selina's home. It was now dawn and the green glow had disappeared as soon as the sun rose over the mountains. The house took Brianna's breath away. It was a little green cottage with rainbow colored flowers blossoming everywhere Brianna looked.

There was also a little pink heart shaped gate and the door was bright red with miniature white hearts painted all over it. "Wow!" she breathed and Selina led her through the heart shaped gate and through the front door. But as soon as she stepped through the door a cage crashed down over her and hoisted her into the air.

She screamed as Selina began to change form. She changed into an hag of a woman. She had hazel matted hair that reached the floor and a big crooked nose with a mole on it. She was wearing black and grey clothes that were grubby and looked like they where made from a carpet.

And she also wore a blood red hat that had dead moths all over it. "HA HAHA!!!" she cried pointing at Brianna. " My name is not Selina you pathetic girl but Aradnea! I made you dream I reunited you with your pathetic family so felt more comfortable around me! But in the end I settled for a hypnotizing potion instead! HA HAHA!!!

And now I will transfer your beauty into me! HA! You where going to be married to the most handsome man in the land!


I saw him first! I have seen him ride past here ever since he was 6 and I was four! But he never looked twice at me!!! I have also watched you pass by too!!! We grew up together! Remember me??? The little girl from the poor family that you used to play with!!!

Well... I saw you with him one day! His name is William! And he was looking at you with such LOVE!!! I had to steal him from you! So what better thing to do than turn myself into you???
Goodbye Princess Brianna! I hope you enjoy being me! HAHAHA!!!"

And with that she started singing a song and waving her arms about. It went like this:

Mambe Danna

Mambe Danna

Turn me into Princess Brianna

Turn her into ugly old me

And let her lover start to love meeeeeeeee

It finished on a long chourus of eeeeeeeeeeeeeeees but before she could finish them William bounded into the room and cut her head off.

They got married 3 days later and everyone rejoiced and sang and a great new age began.