At the beginning of time, in a large Arabian city called Tamul, the earth began to have and tremble until eventually a huge camel burst forth from it. From the camel burst forth from it. From the camel's head to its tail was over seven hundred paces, and it was as tall as the nearby hills.
Before the people could get over their surprise, this giant camel gave birth to a baby camel. Then the two of them went off together into the mountains.
Thereafter, the great camel would come down into the city every morning to give its milk to whoever wanted it, so nobody was hungry any more. But the great camel itself needed a lot of water to drink, and as Tamul did not have enough water for everyone, the inhabitants decided that they themselves could only use the wells on alternate days., Thanks to this, everybody had enough to eat and drink.
But the miraculous camel was not popular with the owners of goats, because nobody would buy goats' milk any more. And the owners of gardens no longer had enough water for their lawns. So these tow groups joined forces and chased the giant camel away.
From then on, in Tamul, only a few people had milk and flowers, while all the others suffered hunger and thirst.
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