In the forests of Africa there once lied a very clever rabbit who wished to become even more wise. So he went to ask for help from a witch.
'Bring me a live python,' the witch told him, 'and then we shall see.'
So the rabbit cut a long branch from a tree and went to the python's lair, where the snake was curled up. The rabbit showed it the branch. 'You are always boasting about your size,' said the rabbit, 'but this branch is longer than you.' 'Don't talk rubbish,' said the python. 'Very well then, prove it, let me see which of you is longer.'
The python stretched itself out alongside the branch, whereupon the rabbit lost no time in lying the snake to it. 'Well done, indeed,' the witch praised him. 'Now you must bring me a swarm of bees.' So the rabbit emptied a pumpkin, put some honey inside, and hung it up near a beehive. When the bees had gone inside the pumpkin, the rabbit closed up the little hole he had made and carried the pumpkin full of bees to the witch. When the witch saw that the rabbit had succeeded in the second test as well, she rubbed a little magic ointment between his ears and a small white spot appeared. The rabbits of Africa still have this little spot and it is considered a mark of wisdom.
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